This section of the site is for any subjects of interest relating to Denvilles House, Denvilles Club or Club Members, their Family and Friends.
Denvilles History
This is the known history of Denvilles House and Denvilles Club. The page will be developed as more is learnt about the history.
Denvilles Club would be very interested in any information that anyone can give us with regard to Denvilles House in the days before it became Denvilles Club. Who lived here? Did you live here or are you a descendent of a previous owner? Did you go to school here?
Members' Stories
They say that every one has a story to tell!
Members, their families and friends are invited to tell their stories and anecdotes; no matter what the subject they will be of interest. We already have a story from Len Butt, about his D-Day as a Sapper on the beaches of Normandy. Also Mike Saunders tells us about the restoration of his beloved Morris 8. Our thanks to both of them.
Do you have a story to tell? what ever the subject we would be pleased to hear from you.